Monday 13 June 2022


Clearly, we are all here because V-Premium Luard deck got hit by banlist (again). It has become weak, and weakness is a sin, so we all need a new Shadow Paladin deck to be in reigning position (for copium purposes). The Revenger deck seems to be the best candidate for that position right now.

The V-Premium Raging Form strategy design has stayed true to its original design, generating multiple vanguard attacks while converting field to hand. This increases resistance against field-burn decks while increasing hand size for guarding power. The V-series Revenger support line also boasts of powerful low-cost advantage engines, stemming from Dark Cloak Revenger Tartu, Dark Armor Revenger Rinnal, Overcoming Revenger Rukea, and Self-Control Revenger Rakia.

Here's the decklist:

Trigger lineup: 12 crit 4 draw (including 4 Grim Revenger). Why no heals? This is to prevent fail-heal situations which might disable the limit break effect of Raging Form Dragon or the ultimate break effect of Raging Fall Dragon Reverse.

Without further ado, I will now illustrate the strongest one-turn-burst combo available to this deck. All Force I gifts will be placed on the vanguard circle.

Firstly, have Raging Form Dragon as your vanguard. Assemble a full-field of Revenger rear guards. Ensure that you have 5 damage with at least 4 open counterblast.

Attack with one rear guard lane (preferably the lane with lower power).

Attack with the vanguard. End of battle, retire 3 Revengers, superior persona ride into another Raging Form Dragon from hand. Get Imaginary Gift Force.

Raging Form Dragon limit break skill, when placed, counterblast 1 and superior call a Grade 2 or less Revenger onto rear guard. Preferably superior call a Nullity Revenger Masquerade to the now-empty front row rear guard circle.

Attack with both rear guard lanes. Then attack with vanguard. End of battle, retire 3 Revengers, superior ride into Raging Fall Dragon Reverse from hand. Get Imaginary Gift Force.

Attack with vanguard. End of battle, since you are at 5 damage you do not require any locked cards. Counterblast 3 discard 3 to stand the vanguard.

Attack with the final vanguard attack.

As you can see, this extremely powerful scaling burst combo is able to generate a total of 7 attacks (3 from rear guard, 4 from vanguard) and 8 total drive checks, with gradually increasing centreline power. This combo would fail at any moment that you check a heal trigger to heal to less than 5 damage (other than the last twin drive check), so it is recommended not to use any heal triggers in your deck. As the current state is, this is the best output that Shadow Paladin is able to dish out (at least until the next Clan Collection release). Even if you do not win on the spot when you perform the combo, you will be able to push for high damage count, force your opponent to drop his entire hand to guard and survive, and even burn his field to some extent if you have Rinnals to retire. That's it for this post, wait for the next Shadow Paladin update!