Thursday 21 January 2016

Deck Recipe: G-Neo Nectar - Reaching unprecedented power levels with relative ease

The clan of Neo Nectar has always focused on field consistency, addition of power, and a "life cycle" process whereby units continuously cycle from the deck onto the field, and then into the drop zone and back to the deck. This article will feature a modern G-Era decklist for this relatively unpopular clan.

Deck Name: I So Stunned Like Vegetable!

G Unit

Grade 3

 Grade 2

Grade 1

Grade 0,_Ozu

Deck Summary

This deck features an aggressive 12-crit trigger lineup to complement the early power lanes and field presence produced by this deck. Modified from the original Neo Nectar trial deck G-TD03, the deck contains new support cards released in G-BT04 for this Ranunculus build, as well as a range of G Units to choose from depending on the situation.

Main Strategy

  1. Stride Multivitamin Dragon as first stride, aim to obtain a split-power full field
  2. Stride Jingle Flower Dragon subsequently to obtain power lanes
Ideally, you would aim to assemble your power lanes as early as your first stride turn, so that your opponent would lose resources fast to guard, or would have a high damage count by your Jingle Flower turn. You can achieve this in a couple of ways, and one example is illustrated as follows:

Let's say you have a full rear-guard lane on grade 2 turn. Pretty standard.
Try to intercept with that front row grade 2.
Stride Multivitamin Dragon. Use Ahsha's stride skill to clone the back row rear-guard.
Call a grade 2 unit from your hand to the circle in front of the booster that you just superior called.
Now proceed to use your starter's skill to clone that front row. You now have
two guard-15 rear-guard lanes on your first stride turn!
Another strong Multivitamin turn would look like this:
This can be achieved by using Ahsha's stride skill to clone a booster out, and then
using the starter's skill to clone the same booster out, allowing one guard-15
and one guard-20 rear-guard lane on your first stride turn.
Intuitively, aim to assemble a field with units with the same name by Jingle Flower turn. Use Maiden of Flower Screen to help you increase the number of copies of units with the same name. Pia can also be used to add additional power to clones.

One example of an ideal field for Jingle Flower turn. This can be done by using both Maiden of
Flower Screens' skills to set their names to 3 Apple Sisters, allowing 5 units with the same name
to be on your field. By Jingle Flower's skill, all your units +10k. By each 3 Apple Sister's skill,
they will +8k when they boost. Now your side lanes are 43k power before triggers...

Strengths and Weaknesses

As long as you can maintain a stable field (with a few clones) and survive until your high-powered Jingle Flower turn, not many opponents can survive an attack from those insane power lanes. Even if you don't check triggers, a 43k side lane would already require 35k shield to guard. The 12 critical triggers could allow for high damage output and force the opponent to guard these high-powered attacks.

When you start to stride, the deck has an inherent field advantage engine that could counter field control decks to some extent, as long as you have a "seed" for your plants to grow out from. With just one rear-guard left on field, they can be allowed to propagate back into a satisfactory army with the cloning skills available in the deck.

That being said, it may be a challenge for this deck to survive that long because it does not contain any inherent hand advantage engine. This is also the primary reason why Neo Nectar hardly makes it to the top of tournaments, since the tournament metagame environment is full of decks that are able to dish out strong attacks while generating hand size at the same time.

The clan of Neo Nectar is also susceptible to Link Joker's lock. Imagine how much shield the opponent saves just by locking one front row rear guard. Currently, there are no cards in the clan that can work around this limitation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is Maiden of Daybreak (trial deck stand trigger) not in this deck? I thought it is very strong?

A: It is true that this card has a strong skill (adding additional power to your field). Some may also argue that stand triggers could be good in this deck since the rear-guards have very high power. However, it is not worth sacrificing space for critical triggers for this trigger. Especially in early game, checking a critical trigger is stronger than checking a stand trigger. Furthermore, this card's skill is an overall -1, and it is a GB1 skill, further exacerbating the weaknesses of this deck. Multiple rear-guard attacks can be achieved by using Maiden of Gladiolus' skill.

Q: How is this deck build stronger than Musketeer and Maiden Of builds?

In terms of advantage, I would say that they are almost equal in the early game and mid game, but this deck build can achieve the highest power levels at the fastest pace, so it is more able to push for game fast before the opponent builds up his defences.

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