Thursday 14 April 2022

[DIGIMON] GrandisKuwagamon Deck Profile

Hi everyone. It is time for the second Digimon post on this blog. This time, I will be discussing on a OTK (one turn kill) deck, GrandisKuwagamon, from BT-09.

By itself, GrandisKuwagamon (BT9-055) is a decent card but not quite strong enough. However, when combined with GranKuwagamon (P-025), this card is deadly. We will take a look at the 2 main cards as it is pointless to discuss them separately.


First, we have GranKuwagamon (P-025) which has a very basic but strong skill. As a Lv6 Digimon, it is normal to have 4 digivolution sources under it if you hatched it from nursery. By using its skill twice, this Digimon gets <Security Attack +2>, making it a triple breaker. It will be a 11K DP triple breaker by itself, which sounds good but still not crazy strong. Thus, we have GrandisKuwagamon (BT9-055) to bring this up to a whole new level.

It only cost 1 to digivolve GrandisKuwagamon (BT9-055) on GranKuwagamon, but the difference is huge. On digivolve, you can suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon which allows you to disable 1 blocker easily. During your turn, it also gets +4K DP, making it a 16K DP attacker. Finally, at end of attack once per turn, if you have GranKuwagamon (obviously) or X-Antibody in its source, you can suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon again, and more importantly, unsuspend this Digimon. In summary, this card has [16K DP, Triple breaker, Double Attack], allowing you to wipe out opponent's security cards in 1 turn. You just need another rookie or hybrid Digimon to finish the game, making it a OTK deck.

The strategy for this deck is simple: Just digivolve to GrandisKuwagamon and win.
The choice of Lv2 to Lv5 cards should not matter too much, but there are some cards which work very well in this deck.
For Lv3, these 2 cards are a must. Kokuwamon X Anti-body allows you to search top 3 for Insectoid (Grandis or Grankuwagamon), while Palmon gives you <Jamming> and allows you to attack without fear.
For Lv4, I think Weedmon is a good choice as it allows you to gain 1 memory when you Digi-Burst it out from Grankuwagamon's skill. The 1 memory can then be used to digivolve to GrandisKuwagamon too. Other good Lv4 choices will be those which cost 1 to Digivolve, as you do not want to waste memory on Lv2 to Lv5.
For Lv5, Argomon (BT2-047) and Blossomon (BT3-054) are good choices for their free Digivolution cost with Digisorption. Okuwamon X Anti-body (BT9-052) is decent as well as it reduces the Lv6 digivolution cost by 1. If you are using Okuwamon X Anti-body, then you might consider putting Okuwamon (P-075) as well due to their synergy.

Here is a sample deck list:
Mimi is the best tamer choice as it allows you to 'superior hatch' when you have a Lv5 or higher green Digimon in play. The other green options are just fillers which help this deck a bit. Green Memory Boost is always nice with the top 4 search and <Delay +2 Memory>. Green Plug-In is a more interesting choice as it allows you to digivolve to Grankuwagamon for a cost of 2 while giving you a bonus draw. Its security effect allows you to search top 3 for a Digimon too. Grandis Scissor is there for you to kill opposing Digimon when you cannot win the game in one turn, and its security effect of suspending 1 might save you.
In conclusion, this deck is fast and efficient with no real counters, except for opponent's security lucksack. It is hard to stop this deck as the Digimon can just hide in nursery until it reaches Lv6. The only weakness is that it must draw at least 1 of each Lv3 to Lv5 cards, plus Grankuwagamon and Grandis. If you manage to draw them, you probably will win fast. If not, you might lose before actually doing anything, since there is no OTK.
This marks the end of this post, enjoy the long weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, this is a good deck setup. Thanks for the breakdown!
