Tuesday 29 December 2015

Deck Recipe: G-Narukami - The Volt Age is here!

When Narukami made its first appearance back in BT-06, Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion was a pretty strong card, giving the vanguard the ability to attack the entire front row. However, it soon died out. Then came the age of eradicators, with Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant dominating at that time. Somewhere along the line, Narukami seemed to have died out again. Despite the strength of Conquering Supreme Dragon, Conquest Dragon as well as Dragonic Vanquisher, Narukami hardly saw any play. But now, with the recent release of Conquering Supreme Dragon, Dragonic Vanquisher "VOLTAGE", a new age of G-Narukami has arrived, dealing crushing blows of insanely high powered attacks and finishing the game.

Deck Name: Volt Age

G Unit

Grade 3

Grade 2

Grade 1

G-BT02/014 RR (x4)
Dragon Dancer, Anastasia

Grade 0

Detailed Explanation

Now let us talk about the cards in each grade and why I chose to add them to this deck. Let's go ahead and talk about the Strides!

Lightning Dragon Knight, Zorras is a decent 1st stride. However, in the case of a voltage deck, it is amazing, perfect even. First of all, it allows you to use Dragonic Vanquisher's stride skill (assuming you don't fail ride) which in most cases means 1 card sent to the bind zone. Secondly, the skill itself is amazing. Your opponent should guard it at all costs. If not, he has to choose one of his rear guard and retire it, then you get to bind 2 cards from his drop zone, meaning a total of 3 cards sent to the bind zone in this turn. Hence, Zorras is a great 1st stride to apply pressure and force out a Perfect Guard.

Supreme Conquering Dragon, Conquest Dragon was the ace stride of most Narukami decks in the past, and now it's just a support/backup. Only Stride this if you can't get 5 cards in your opponent's bind zone by the 2nd stride, or you run out of VOLTAGEs to stride. In the unlucky event that you need to G-assist, remove this card.

Conquering Supreme Dragon, Dragonic Vanquisher "VOLTAGE" is the ace card of the deck. It is an upgraded zorras in a sense, with the same on-hit effect, and the additional effect of giving your front row +3k power for each card in your opponent's bind zone. Since it is a GB3 skill, it can only be used on the second stride, in most cases you should have already caused your opponent to bind 4-5 cards in their bind zone, if not, stride Conquest instead (remember to count in the number of cards you can bind this turn as well). In most cases your opponent will not be able to guard against your attacks as they should be at least guard 20 each, if not more. Do not be afraid to call triggers to attack if you have no better rear-guards, since the insane power gain could still mean your trigger attack is a guard 10k-15k. Try to end your opponent by this turn. If not, you may be in trouble as you do not have a good defence.

Now, moving on to the grade 3s.

Dragonic Vanquisher: I do not need to talk about this card, the stride skill is perfect, allowing you to retire a rear-guard from your opponent's front row and bind it face up and adding to your power levels when you stride VOLTAGE.

Blitz-spear Dragoon: Now, why did I choose this card as a backup instead of Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion and Crimson? 3 Reasons. Always aim to get Dragonic Vanquisher, use the Stride Enabler's skill to fish out Dragonic Vanquisher. In the event in which that cannot be done, Blitz-spear Dragoon will still allow you to retire and bind 1 of your opponent's rear-guards, thus building up to the Voltage turn. That is where the Dragonic Kaiser cards cannot contribute much. Lastly, in the extremely unlikely event that the game lasts till all your strides run out, Blitz-spear dragoon's skill still allows for a strong centre lane, as compared to Dragonic Kaiser cards.

Grade 2s: Not much to talk about here, each card is very self explanatory, no elaboration needed. Just remember that card draw is very important for this deck, so if Chatura ever gets to hit, always counterblast 1 and draw, even if you cannot bind any cards.

Now the grade 1s.

Dragon Dancer, Anastasia is the Perfect Guard G of Narukami. Since you have a low hand size with this deck, it is important to have one to defend against your opponent's stride. The countercharging is useful as well.

Chain-bolt Dragoon: Now this card is amazing. Once a turn, you probably are going to retire one rear-guard, in which case this card allows you to bind an extra card, once again adding power to the VOLTAGE turn. Just keep in mind that it requires your vanguard to have 'Vanquisher' in its name, so if you ride Blitz-spear Dragoon, the skill is only usable on your VOLTAGE turns.

Rising Phoenix: I guess there is not much explaining to do about Rising Phoenix and its card draw. The reason I run only one is because you need soul to use Rockclimb Dragoons's skill. Only use Rising Phoenix's skill at grade 1/grade 2 turns, because once you are at grade 3, it is better to save the soul for Rockclimb Dragoon.

Mighty Bolt Dragoon: Once again, nothing much to talk about regarding Mighty Bolt Dragoon. It can be used to pay for stride instead of a grade 3. If you have this card and Blitz-spear in your hand, but no Dragonic Vanquisher, remember to use its skill to search for Dragonic Vanquisher. Also, you can use it when you already have Vanquisher to trade a 5k guard (draw trigger or some grade 2) for an extra Dragonic Vanquisher, which can then be used to pay the cost for striding.

Lastly, the grade 0s.

Wildrun Dragoon is a good starter as you can use its skill to bind an extra card from your opponent's drop zone, as well as give 5k power to any lane, assuming your opponent has 2 cards in the bind zone, which should not be a problem.

Critical Triggers: It is important that you run these 2 critical triggers as they allow you to soulcharge, which is useful in allowing you to use Rockclimb Dragoon as well as Rising Phoenix.

Draw and Heal Triggers: Unlike the critical triggers, you do not need to run these exact 2 cards. Just ensure that there are 4 heals and 4 draws. Draw triggers are important as this deck will need the hand to survive against your opponent's 1st/2nd stride. Since you can only use VOLTAGE as the 2nd stride (even if you could use it as the 1st stride, the power levels would be too low) your opponent will get the opportunity to stride/legion at least once, if not twice, making it a challenge to survive with a low hand size.

Allocating Triggers (assuming 2 or more triggers in drive check)

When you stride and your opponent uses a perfect guard, you obviously would allocate triggers to your rear-guards (in other words, attack with vanguard 1st). In this case, I personally like to split the triggers as chances are your opponent cannot guard against both attacks. If I were to stack triggers, they could just use another perfect guard on the RG with criticals and take the other attack. This applies when your opponent is at 4 damage, or 2 or less damage.

When your opponent is at 3 damage, you should all in on one side, and hope that he/she does not have a perfect guard, and finish the game.

Now assuming you get one trigger, do not give any power/critical to Chatura. Instead force your opponent to guard the other attack, leaving your opponent unable to guard the Chatura attack and allowing you to draw 1 and bind 1.

If you get 3 triggers, clearly the obvious choice is to split it 2 - 1, in which case, give the 1 to Chatura.

Strengths and Weaknesses


1) Insane high power, allowing you to crush your opponents
2) With so much binding, your opponent may be hard pressed to legion as well
3) The cost of the deck is not too expensive (yet)
4) Constant retiring also hurts your opponent's field, in turn also hurting their hand size as they need to call more units


1) Can only pull off the high powered attacks on 2nd stride onwards
2) If there are not enough bound cards, need to stride conquest as the 2nd stride, making it a longer game, and hence harder to survive.
3) Playing this deck may cause you to lose friends as no one likes to drop 25-30k guards for your whole front row

I hope I have covered everything about this deck. If you have any questions, post them in the comments below and I will try to answer them ASAP.

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