Saturday 18 December 2021



And so the Bermuda Traingle player shall briefly comment on his tournemant experience. It was my second Cardfight Vanguard Tournemant and it was quite a while since the previous one where I just used a modified trial deck. I chose this deck as it was decently strong and also easier to pilot compared to my other decks. As shown by the decklist, it is a rather offensive built compared to other similar builts of the same archetype.

Well lets get into the tournemant results.

Round 1: VS Gold Paladin (SDD) - lose

I went first but could not finish the opponent off and lost due to too many attacks.Maybe I was abit nervous and made a few misplays.

Round 2: VS Megacolony - win

G-assisted to ride the grade 3 Vert. Opponent tried to stun my rear guards but easily countered with Aqua's abilityto return the stunned unit on field back to hand.

Round 3: VS Shadow Paladin (Claret Sword) - win

Heal guardian was clutch this round as opponent tried to rush using Force 2 while my vanguard was still on grade 2.

Round 4: VS Gold Paladin (SDD) - win

Probably the longest game as opponent checked quite a number of damage triggers and was able to survive a few turns. Luckily I managed to shut down the multiple attacks with a damage trigger.

Round 5: VS Bermuda Triangle (PRISM) - lose
Mirror matchup, opponent went first and used cutire prism built while I had zero heal guardians. Hence Go First Win Game.

Round 6: VS Murakumo (Yasuie) - win
Went first and drive checked double critical trigger on my first grade 3 turn while opponent's vanguard was still on grade 2. Go First Win Game.

Round 7: VS Genesis (Valkyrion) - win
Close match as opponent tried to rush me using restanding Valkyrion while my vanguard was still on grade 2. Luckily I had heal guardians to defend against opponent's early rush.

Round 8: VS Granblue (Beatrice) - lose
Went second, opponent managed to pull off multiple attacks as I did not check any damage trigger. 

Overall result: LWWWLWWL (5 wins, 3 losses) 

Overal  I feel abit disappointed to not get at least 6 wins. However I am glad that my first online tournament proceeded smoothly without any disconnection issues. To conclude, the tournament has really shown that heal guardians have really changed the v-premium format and give the player going second a much higher chance of being able to survive until the latter stages of a match and even win.

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